FAQ: What is option LGA on the N6751A and N6752A power modules?

The LGA stands for Large Gate Array. It is a standard option only installed on the N6751A and N6752A modules This option allows these modules to have additional firmware capabilities that will not fit in the original, smaller gate array. It enables the following functionality in all N6700 and N6705 mainframes:

It also enables the following function when used in N6705 mainframes:

Option LGA adds no additional cost to the modules, However, it cannot be retrofitted into earlier modules that do not have this option. If you have an earlier N6751A/N6752A module without LGA, the module will still work properly, but the aforementioned features will not be available. To determine if you have option LGA, go to the About Menu, which lists the installed module options.

Applies to: N6700B, N6701A, N6702A, N6751A, N6752A

Applies to: N6705A, N6705B

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